Shared HPC software installations
06 May 2017TL;DR: Keep your own installation on a computing cluster, don’t rely on others. But do use a package manager. And share the build scripts with the upstream repository, so everyone can easily maintain and extend their own tool collection.
I work at a research institute with considerable computing capabilities. Things you can’t run on your normal work machine you send to a high performance computing cluster. Administration is taken care of by a group of people specifically employed to make sure things run smoothly, so you just log in and run whatever computing task you require.
Well, almost.
Of course, there is some software needed in order to run your analyses. You installed this on your local machine a long time ago using your OS’s package manger. But is it available on the computing cluster?
Typical HPC setup
The system administrators were happy to add software available in the official distributions’ repository but not from third party sources. Of course, this makes sense because everything needed to be stable. And stable meant the system libraries are generally out of date by a couple of years.
We were lucky to have a person who, next to his regular responsibilities
installed software that people needed on a semi-regular basis. Or people
compiled different tools themselves. Every new tool was a new entry in $PATH
which grew continuously. And $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
too, of course, which
resulted in broken dependencies all the time because something didn’t
quite resolve right.
Manually compiling things often resulted in disabling optional functionality in order to get it done quickly (BLAS/LAPACK support for R? Then I’d need to install two more libraries). And it took a substantial amount of time to get anything running.
Package managers to the rescue
The obvious answer to the above mess is to use a package manager to take care of dependencies automatically and provide a much larger set of available software or build scripts to draw from than was readily available on the system.
At the time (first half of 2014), however, there were not many options available. After looking for possible solutions for a couple of weeks I discovered the Gentoo Prefix project that provided a user-level package manager which could use (almost) all the build scripts from the distribution.
This was great! It provided a base installation that enabled a non-root user
the use of portage in a
specified directory, resolved dependencies automatically, and resolved library
locations using RPATH
instead of the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
emerge <whatever you want>
Only downside was that the bootstrap and compilation options were a bit involved, so it probably wasn’t for everyone to take care of this. Hence I set this up at my institute and advocated that people use it. We had a bug tracker, software requests, and advertised updates before we performed them so users are not surprised by small changes. About 30 people relied on it, and it worked really well for three years to come.
Don’t use shared software installations
We had minor hiccups on occasion and a major hiccup once (basically, the linker added symbols from a broken internationalization library that cascaded into breaking everything newly added or updated). But these were a small price to pay for a usable and convenient system.
One thing that was annoying is that libraries and tools sometimes change API between updates, and that would break a workflow that you are currently using. But since this was shared, a change for anyone was a change for everyone.
Since then, however, things have evolved. Linuxbrew (the linux-pendant to the OS-X package manager Homebrew) and Conda were released. And they were substantially simpler to use than Gentoo.
So I don’t really see a reason to still put up with API changes for any user unless they want to update their installation. The new package managers are easy enough to use individually, and storage space is cheap so why bother.
But please contribute your build scripts
There is, however, one thing to keep in mind that often goes underappreciated. If you need a tool that doesn’t yet exist in a repository and you already put the effort in to manually install it, go one step further and add is as a build script for the package manager. Please. It helps so much if more people do that.