Queue function calls on the cluster
- fun
A function to call
- ...
Objects to be iterated in each function call
- const
A list of constant arguments passed to each function call
- export
List of objects to be exported to the worker
- pkgs
Character vector of packages to load on the worker
- seed
A seed to set for each function call
- memory
Short for `template=list(memory=value)`
- template
A named list of values to fill in the scheduler template
- n_jobs
The number of jobs to submit; upper limit of jobs if job_size is given as well
- job_size
The number of function calls per job
- rettype
Return type of function call (vector type or 'list')
- fail_on_error
If an error occurs on the workers, continue or fail?
- workers
Optional instance of QSys representing a worker pool
- log_worker
Write a log file for each worker
- chunk_size
Number of function calls to chunk together defaults to 100 chunks per worker or max. 10 kb per chunk
- timeout
Maximum time in seconds to wait for worker (default: Inf)
- max_calls_worker
Maxmimum number of chunks that will be sent to one worker
- verbose
Print status messages and progress bar (default: TRUE)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Run a simple multiplication for numbers 1 to 3 on a worker node
fx = function(x) x * 2
Q(fx, x=1:3, n_jobs=1)
# list(2,4,6)
# Run a mutate() call in dplyr on a worker node
iris %>%
mutate(area = Q(`*`, e1=Sepal.Length, e2=Sepal.Width, n_jobs=1))
# iris with an additional column 'area'
} # }